Secret Hack To Manifest More Instagram Followers
By Shana Lynn Yao
“The secret to getting what you want in life is to believe it before you see it.”
Growing your Instagram. If you Google it, there are 6,190,000 results that come up. And it's not like you don't inherently know the basics to growing your followers - but when it comes down to actually developing a strategy that works, that's when things become more complicated.
When do you post? What are you supposed to post? What do people want? Do you really want to spend your life on your phone when you have a business to run?
I have to be honest, "manifest" is not a word I use often. In fact I hardly ever use it. I'm a not-so-woo-woo type of girl and if I'm going to talk about attracting anything in life - clients, relationships, happiness - it's gotta be done in a logical, step by step way or it isn't real to me. So naming this article "How To Manifest More Instagram Followers" was a little weird for me. But the truth is, there is no other way to say it.
If you understand the law of attraction, it's based on logical, real steps. It's not as "woo woo" as it's made out to be, and whether you call it religion, spirit guides, or the universe - there is a higher force in life that responds to us humans when we do things that support the greater good of ourselves and others. (if you don't believe that then you should stop reading now).
Just to be 100% real, growing my Instagram following was on my list, but tripling it in just 45 days was not a goal. I actually set out to do something else - which is the secret hack I'm about to reveal so that you can do it too.
The Secret To Manifesting Anything
As I said, I'm not an expert at the law of attraction, but just looking at it from a not-so-woo-woo point of view, "the secret" to getting anything in life can be broken down in two steps:
1. Knowing what you want
2. Knowing what you don't want
Yes, I believe I have figured out something really fun about attracting what you want in life - it's called having a point of view.
I know - this is kind of life changing but if you're trying to create, manifest, attract anything in life, you have to be willing to put up with a lot of stuff you don't want to get there, say NO to a lot of things you may have been used to, and change your belief about how you are going to do it.
But this is actually where it gets exciting and how I discovered this secret hack to growing your Instagram following, how I tripled mine in 45 days and accidentally started living my best life, cleared my skin issues, and so much more!
Hacking Your Way To More Followers
There are a lot of details I can't fit into this one article, but be sure to SUBSCRIBE to THE DAILY to be notified of the upcoming masterclass. To get you started manifesting more followers and living your best life via Instagram, here are a few easy steps.
This is a little more than "I want more Instagram followers". In fact, you need to make 2 lists. One is to decide you are going to grow your Instagram following so you can grow your business. But the second list is the important one - this list is going to be 3-5 words that represent your highest self when you are at your most successful.
Why this works is that Instagram is a visual platform. That means that you, the business owner, needs to communicate your best self, your values, and how you see the world via images. 65% of all humans learn through visual communication - and with Instagram - to attract people who "get" you - your potential best business friends and clients - you have to show what you're all about.
Putting who you are and what you're all about into 3-5 words seems too simple but in fact, you want it to be simple. Otherwise how are you supposed to attract people who share your point of view and see your value?
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service sells itself.”
This whole journey quadrupling my followers in 3 1/2 months began by deciding what I didn't want.
In actuality, 105 days ago I was fed up. I was fed up with Facebook specifically. When I started my business a few years ago, I was coming out of a high level 25 year as a coveted retail and shopping center marketing director. I've had a lot of doubts in my life but have never doubted my high value and intelligence in what I do.
And 105 days ago, after seeing vapid colored post after one line "look at me" posts on Facebook, bombarded by everyone's attempt to gain attention - I felt like a broken person.
From a business friend who had fallen victim to caring what other people think on Facebook
I am a big picture thinker and at the time of this article, I am going to be 50 this year. Turning the half century mark is cause enough to look at your life on a bigger scale, but whether you are 25 or 85 - seeing your personal value and deciding what kind of life you are living and want to live is important.
In 10 years I will be SIXTY. My dog will be 18. I can't think of anything (to me) more depressing than spending my next 10 years on Facebook, feeling less than, reading stupid one liner posts, and feeling dumbed down by my own business marketing. So I decided to change it - and direct my efforts to Instagram - the happiest place (to me) as a business owner.
Instagram is a visual platform as we said - so all communication is done through images, quote images, and photos. How can you communicate the words you wrote in #1 into a visual communication strategy on Instagram? How can you create a cohesive, well thought out, purposeful but eye catching feed so that you stand out amongst the other 700 million monthly users?
This obviously is the more difficult part and what I'll be diving into in the upcoming masterclass. (be sure to subscribe to be notified).
If you did step 1 correctly, you created 3-5 words that represent your highest self. In fact, if attracting your best business friends on Instagram is based on how well you visual communicate your values, your business purpose, and yourself is based on the quality and relevancy of the images you are posting, using the right #hashtags will attract the right people - AND will serve as a daily reminder of what you actually value and of your highest self.
Also at the time of this article, to master the algorithm you should use a combination of hashtags with 10,000-50,000 followers and more general hashtags with more. Due to the consistent change in the algorithm, please visit my Instagram @total_genius where I can keep you up to date.
And there you go! Again, there is A LOT more involved in creating your own growth strategy on Instagram, but so far, I have not only hacked my way to tripling my Instagram following in 45 days, but I became HAPPY, attracted new clients I LOVE and (random side effect) have cleared my skin problem. If that isn't reason enough to get busy creating your best life EVER, I don't know what is.
So I want to hear, what are your 3-5 words that your manifesting, Instagram growth strategy is going to be based on? Who are you and why are you here? And how can you manifest that amazing best badass business and life via Instagram? Tell me below in the comments, and please LIKE and SHARE this article if you got value from it. Let's make this world the place where we all can live our best lives ever, help others, and be happy.
Shana Yao is a strategist, a healthy lifestyle advocate and Chief Experience Officer at Total Genius. With a passion health and helping others achieve personal success, she, along with over 28 years of experience managing multimillion dollar retail and shopping center locations, including the famed Rodeo Drive, she has spent years studying the human mind, neurology, psychology, and neurolinguistic programming to help others create their own definition of an amazing life.
She works with high achieving clients to discover their "genius" - their passion and purpose - so they can use it in their work, do what they love and make a bigger impact in the world. She is host of the My Amazing Life podcast on iTunes, dog mom, and lover of life. You can find her at the coolest coffee shops in LA working on her mission, or connect with her on her favorite social media app, Instagram (of course!) @total_genius on Instagram.