Posts tagged business strategy
How to find clarity & certainty in uncertain times

Our brains are hard wired to seek certainty, making judgements about what is “safe” and predictions based on past programming. And amidst any sort of threat - whether perceived or real - your brain triggers our own biology into feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic.

Enter 2020, when the entire world was turned upside down with a pandemic. Without warning, everyone’s life was disrupted - emotionally, financially, and experientially.

For our brains, the experience of uncertainty is both cognitively taxing and anxiety producing. In fact, when all neurological resources are directed towards fearing uncertainty, your ability to make decisions, assess situations with clarity, and even your ability to learn is disrupted.

So how do you move forward, let alone achieve your goals and find inner peace during times of chaos and unpredictable change?

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The Manifesto - A Declaration of Truth, Freedom, And Your Best Life

Otherwise known as a mission statement, it's a statement of what you do in your business that is NOT your "elevator speech" but more a declaration of your beliefs, your values, and your overall mission and purpose of your business. It's the deeper meaning of why you do what you do - as Simon Sinek would call it - your big WHY.

It's called - A MANIFESTO. 

Unfortunately, most business owners aren't taught this when they first start their small business. You're taught to create an "elevator speech", a pitch - which IS necessary, but if you aren't able to communicate and understand your own deeper meaning and purpose in your business, how are you supposed to get other people to be excited about what you do?

What you sell as a business owner is what you sell - but what you REALLY sell and need to communicate with your strategic marketing is your VISION.  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MANIFESTO PLANNER.

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Redefining Business Success for Entrepreneurs Who Want to Inspire Change

You have a bold determination to create impact with your work. Your purpose defines you and your business, but over the years, something seems to have shifted. Some days you feel in total alignment but oftentimes, you’re lacking clarity, feeling overwhelm, and what used to work seems to have STOPPED working.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone! The truth is, with the progression of technology, the increasing amount of “noise” and people online, there is now an increased need and almost urgency for purposeful entrepreneurs to begin to make choices on what to focus on, where to allocate time and resources to, and how to actually make the money you want while creating the impact you want with the work that you do.

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People living their passion and loving what they do actually work so hard because they love what they do. When you are working towards your passion and not just working to work hard, it produces greater fulfillment and joy. It's a subtle difference but when you find it and pursue it, you'll understand. ..

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How To Get Unstuck In Your Business

If you're headed east running towards a sunset, you will never get there. And that's what a business block feels like. It feels like the eternal race towards something that never seems to get closer no matter what you do. 

Find out how to bust through your blocks with 20 mind-shifting questions.

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Why What You DON'T Know About Business Is Your Secret Weapon

If the words "sales funnel" makes you cringe, I'm going to shed some light on why and why knowing this could be not only be freeing but when put into action, could be your secret weapon to attracting your business besties with a marketing strategy that works.

F*ck the funnels. As someone who has been doing marketing for 28 years - working with multi-million dollar retailers, shopping centers, and creating marketing campaigns that have not only brought in millions but won awards - I'm here to tell you what you don't know about sales funnels may be an advantage over the checked out, over-programmed and auto-piloted "big guns" in the entrepreneurial world.

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