Posts tagged creatives
5 Ways To Break Through A Creative Block

You're so creative you can't stand it. You have a million ideas a minute and you just know that if you could get it out in the right way, you'd be rich.

But you're stuck. Blocked. And when a creative person has block, it's painful. Because some days you're on fire and can write, create, do your work like a well-oiled machine. You're on fire and in flow. But the blocks that sometimes affect us all feels more like a CLOG. And the more you try to "overcome it" and bust through your own blocks, the more stuck you feel.

Am I right? If you can relate, read on. I've come up with 5 powerful ways to bust through your creative blocks and get moving back into a state of flow and accomplishing the vision that you so clearly see in your head.

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How To Create a Cohesive Instagram Feed (Multi-Passionate, Eclectic Aesthetic)

Whether you are a blogger or a business owner, getting a perfect eclectic Instagram feed - one that is cohesive and branded - begins with understanding YOU. This is about understanding your Instagram aesthetic - the NUMBER ONE thing that will attract your followers - and making sure it portrays YOUR aesthetic. 

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People living their passion and loving what they do actually work so hard because they love what they do. When you are working towards your passion and not just working to work hard, it produces greater fulfillment and joy. It's a subtle difference but when you find it and pursue it, you'll understand. ..

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How To Get Unstuck In Your Business

If you're headed east running towards a sunset, you will never get there. And that's what a business block feels like. It feels like the eternal race towards something that never seems to get closer no matter what you do. 

Find out how to bust through your blocks with 20 mind-shifting questions.

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How To Make More Money As A Creative Entrepreneur

Money. We all need it and for self proclaimed creative people - or what I call "creatives" - making money with your creativity and skills becomes a bigger challenge than other people.

As a self proclaimed creative person, I'm here to tell you that you're not alone. For me and my clients and creative friends, it's not as simple as "get a job and make money". And whether you have your own business or you have a job, in order to make a solid income, you have to understand why the traditional making money formulas don't work for you.

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