THE ENERGY OF SUCCESS The Secrets of Success That Every Successful Business Owner Knows
The Secrets of Success That Every Successful Business Owner Knows
By: Shana Yao
Do what you love. Do the work and the results will follow. Do more, get more.
That's how it's supposed to be, right? I mean, you've studied the greats, read the bios, and yet, when you set out on your business journey, sometimes "do what you love" turns into "WHY am I trying to do what I love? I have to make money!"
You want a meaningful business and you’re a high achiever but are feeling at a bit of a loss with the whole experience.
I know. I get it. It happens to the best of us - and in fact - it happened to me. Even after my own 28 years in business, working with hundreds of small business owners, local and international retail entities - I fell into the unconscious mediocrity so many other online entrepreneurs experience.
It happens like a silent force - brought on by the surroundings you find yourself in - either in your own life and/or on Facebook. And seemingly overnight, your once high standards become a product of people, places, and things that you didn't want, know, or knew to be true for your own happiness.
So if you’re tired of hanging out on Facebook, trying to learn how to “get clients”, and feeling like the talk about having a business you love is a lie, read on. I'm going to share what I've learned about what they DON'T tell you about getting what you want in business.
“It turns out, it’s not what you want that you and your business become. It’s knowing who you are, what makes you happy, and what your own personal value is. ”
And because just as Rome wasn't built in a day, or from some webinar or online class, neither will your business, your fulfillment, and anything worth anything of value.
This is about ALIGNMENT. Business alignment. Business alignment that produces an internal energy. One made up of excitement, an inner wisdom, and internal momentum. It's about building a long term everlasting business, that grows as you grow, and creates a life AND business you are obsessed with - because it’s based on you, your highest values and value, and builds your confidence and fulfillment over time. Alignment in anything whether it's your back or your business - is about fixing the underlying cause of the PAIN. When it hurts, an ice bag and 2 Tylenol just doesn't cut it.
And just like a bad back, when you don't have business alignment, you have PAIN. Deep rooted pain that a webinar or affirmation just won't help. Lack of business alignment means distraction and business failure.
So, just like a good chiropractor can help your back, if you keep doing things that will result in the pain, you will always have that problem. In your business, if doing things like being on Facebook, trying to "get clients" and doing things that make you lack confidence or not feel like the smart person you are, instead, you need to find the holistic solution that focuses on the ROOT cause.
What is causing you to be unaligned in your business? What is causing fear, distraction, lack of confidence?
Because hating what you do, and doing things that steal from your happiness, will never result in the success and abundance you want.
This is about healing the underlying ROOT problem - the one that steals your confidence, that causes distraction from your deeper work which is blocking the enjoyment joy, and money flow into your business. That’s what long term, everlasting business is.
So whether you have a retail store, a service or product based business, a coach, a consultant - this is about developing you, as the business owner, creating a healthy mind, and purposeful life. Doing things that build your belief in yourself, and what you do, and helping you get your message out to the world.
“Energy is created when you CARE about your business, your life and your health. It’s a holistic solution that starts from the inside out. The energy (mental, physical, and emotional) that starts with you as a person. To care about your health in your mind, body, and soul.”
This is DIFFERENT than what everyone says is the answer. But this IS the answer. The truth is, most of them talk mostly about automating, funneling and being more HANDS OFF - so you can THEN have a life you enjoy. They teach you about the tactical side of business - which is important - but your business will never be successful if YOU are not successful. And the truth is, even things like passive income, or the “four hour work week” - if your business is causing you stress, lack of confidence and confusion, then you do not have a successful life - regardless of the money or celebrity.
It's not that they are bad businesses or people. It’s just that their business models aren’t designed to make you HAPPY - which - despite lots of money, celebrity, and power - will never ultimately lead to success. They don’t focus on how to live a good life IN your business. In fact, if they told you to enjoy your life in your business more, they wouldn’t make money. They are trying to teach you to do things that cause you to lose your confidence, and spend LESS purposeful time in your business, more time on Facebook, because if they taught you otherwise they wouldn’t make money.
A purposeful and profitable business is not about that. It’s not about processed, automated boxed systems which are not customized for you. This is helping you shift from trying to deal with quantity of clients and tactics to deep work, passion, and quality clients.
This is a fundamental shift from trying to deal with the quantity of marketing you are doing to the QUALITY of everything you are doing.
This isn’t something you need to be in a certain place in your business or life for. You can either take baby steps, or just dive in. This will depend on the person and your life situation. You can go slow or just completely dive in.
The key thing to keep in mind, is that you are just getting back to NORMAL. The way real, purposeful businesses were created BEFORE Facebook and social media. This may be a new concept - but businesses before 2004 - just a few years ago, STILL got clients, made money, and used the internet to build their businesses. I’m not saying we are eliminating those things - Facebook is awesome and you do need to be on it - but what we are doing is essentially to build your business based on a SOLID FOUNDATION. A solid foundation that allows you the time, focus, and confidence to produce deep work, and position your highest value and values through your meaningful and purposeful marketing, and then use the social media tools that are there for you.
This is about understanding what a SOLID BUSINESS FOUNDATION is. Because the way most people are building and running their businesses and lives are causing an extreme distraction, loss of self esteem and tactics, NOT strategy. Instead, having the right strategies and understanding what to focus on will give you not only an abundant business but a healthy and abundant life.
Getting back to normal means loving what you do. Owning your value and personal influence. And then having the time and financial success to enjoy your life - which is why you have a business in the first place.
So let’s get clear - which means first of all, addressing the biggest source of distraction and what I call comparisonitis in all business owners - Facebook. If you are addicted to Facebook, you’re actually NORMAL. Facebook is designed as a habit forming tool. And if you are building your business online, Facebook is a great and important tool to use. You can connect to people all over the world in many industries.
If you are addicted to it, that’s ok too. You may want to take baby steps. You can start small. And all you need to do is ONE THING to get you on your road to your purposeful and profitable business.
That one thing is to have a marketing plan that creates BUSINESS ALIGNMENT. AHHHH that just sounds good. Take a moment to stretch. Hands above your head, head above your neck. BREATHE. DEEPLY.
That’s alignment. It just feels good.
And all It takes in your business is 5 minutes a day with a goal achievement marketing plan. You need to it first thing in the morning, and it’s all you need to do to get your internal positioning and plan into action.
Once you have your business alignment marketing plan, and you work on it everyday, you will never have to focus outside of you, and be drawn to distraction. You will be so excited about your business, and know how to not only do deep work that produces value, because an aligned marketing strategy is based on creating healthy habits - turning your tedious marketing into daily simplified habits, it’s like your success is created AUTOMATICALLY.
The difference between a aligned marketing strategy and a “get clients” and be on Facebook strategy, is that it’s based on the fulfillment from your own deep work and high value and not seeking validation from others as Facebook does, in order to make money. An aligned marketing strategy is based on producing DEEP WORk, which eliminates distraction and doesn’t have you”getting” clients, it has you ATTRACTING them.
Seeking validation on social media causes a reactionary, distracted behavior inside of you and forces you to seek validation which does NOT benefit your bank account or your self esteem. If we know people that spend more time on Facebook are more depressed and have lower self esteem, then STOP DOING IT.
It’s like if you go to the doctor and say “doctor my arm hurts when I raise it like this” and he says “then don’t raise it like that.
Can you get clients on Facebook and social media? Of course! But if that is how you think you get clients then you will be training yourself towards distraction, seeking validation, and things that don’t allow you the time to produce deep work. The kind that produces value that attracts quality clients.
What does a purposeful marketing strategy look like?
It’s about understanding your highest mission - why you exist, and then building your business around that - so it feeds your bank account AND your soul.
That means a simplified marketing strategy that uses social media in a deliberate and focused way, but focuses your efforts on a non-reactionary based marketing plan. So you are able to get your message out to your audience, have time to connect, but don’t lose your soul inside of your marketing.
That means time to invest your mind in what you do best - whether it’s writing, speaking, videos - things that make you come alive and seeds in your INTERNAL POSITIONING or what I call personal influence. You do it EVERYDAY - so that you can create value that attracts the quality clients you want.
“Research shows that when you spend time creating things of high value, you become more fulfilled, more confident in who you are, and more purposeful.”
Doing this will help eliminate any bad feelings about selling, because you seed in your belief of the value you created that is so true to your heart.
ABI means Always be Inviting - it’s an evergreen selling system that allows you to promote something of high value, to attract high quality clients, and then build your VIP list with potential clients.
A simplified funnel strategy - it's a sales funnel that is built on the emotional drive of your ideal clients. Research shows that decisions are made in the emotional brain and when you focus on the feelings you want people to experience with your marketing strategy - whether it’s in your email or in your actions - a purposeful marketing strategy is one that connects people who need what you have with you and draws them closer to you.
It will help you develop quality clients in your VIP list, give you a system that will make you money, and get rid of the need and guilt of turning to Facebook and Facebook groups to get clients.
You may ask, don’t you still need to focus on getting clients and making money?
The answer is, rather than focusing on a “Get clients” mindset, the idea of an aligned marketing strategy is to do what successful businesses have done since business was created. And that is producing high value - doing what you do best, and sharing it with others. Before anyone knew what Facebook was. They had a radically lower rate of distraction blocking their success.
If you struggle with trying to focus on low value distracted resources to communicate your value, you will never have the time, focus, the energy and most important, POSITIONING to attract quality clients and real money. You won’t be able to produce the HIGH VALUE people need that is done from your DEEP WORK.
Is it too good to be true?
The reality is, it CAN’T NOT WORK. You may not get results the same day, but it’s the way life works. You put out amazing value, and solve an urgent problem, you do a system that works consistently, then you will make money.
Yes, it will require daily work. It will require you to at first have discipline to do this everyday, but f you do the work, spend this time doing it, in about 2 weeks, you will wonder why you waited so long to do this.
Will it delay your results? NO - the truth is, when you are more confident in your environments, have something amazing to share, are proud of your own life and your work, you will be working at a faster speed and higher level. It’s like supercharging your life.
If that takes you from a confidence level from a level of a 3 to a 10? Then you will be like a superpower.
All you need are the ingredients and the plan.
In addition to the plan above, the ingredients you must have are:
You must be doing something you love - not only what you sell but how you are marketing
You must know your highest value inside of you - that is more than just your expertise, that is what your life has led you to do - your WHY
You must have a marketing system that will attract and convert clients - whether it’s your email list or in person. The one you create in your aligned marketing plan.
This is about doing things that help you get comfortable being you in your own life and environments - online and offline, and having a system that works.
Get your free blueprint and get started. Remember, having a business you love means DOING things you love to have a business that supports your highest values, your income goals, and most of all, your everlasting happiness.
Because energy - the energy found inside of you - is a worthy goal worth fighting for.
Shana Yao is CEO and Your Marketing Mastermind® of TOTAL GENIUS™, She is the Editor and Chief of The Business Luminary Magazine, and works with high achieving clients to empower them to own their expertise so they can make a bigger impact in the world, with a signature business that reflects their personal style.
Driven by purpose, her mission is to build Luminary Leaders of tomorrow to light up the world with change and innovation. Her focus around the areas of holistic health, personal style, and mental clarity, are based on the belief that true success is found in becoming the person you are meant to be in life and using that to empower your business. For it's the combination of your greatest strengths, talents, and life experience that fulfills your life and creates true, everlasting success.
She is an award-winning Business & Personal Success Strategist with over 28 years of experience managing multimillion dollar retail and shopping center locations, including the famed Rodeo Drive.
Join her and other Luminary Leaders, lighting the world with their holistic and powerful businesses at the The Business Luminaries.