POSITIONING is an art. And while your position in the marketplace is an external reality, it's what happens on the inside that will determine your business success. That means, that in order to position you as the expert you are in your business (and life) - you need to have the clarity and confidence inside yourself first. So, if you want to succeed in this challenge and create success in your business, you're going to need to read all of the emails, read and watch the challenges here, and then share your answers in the post provided in the group.
In order to achieve the results you want, you MUST actively participate and COMMIT to achieving your highest success. If you choose to skip any of the steps - the lessons and also sharing your success in the group, you will NOT get the intended results, NOT be able to position yourself as the expert you are, and NOT achieve the confidence and clarity you want.
With your commitment to your success, this challenge will help you create internal system necessary to move yourself from self judgement and inaction, to CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, and in the end, position you as the expert you are.
How do I know that? Because I've see it. Your human mind is made up of 95% of unconscious thought and 80% of those thoughts are negative. So "trying" to create change and do things differently than you have been doing is HARD. Actually it's IMPOSSIBLE to do alone for most people.
So take charge of your success. Trust me, you are worth it.
- Understand the 5 essential elements to help position you as the expert you are
- Develop your internal positioning which will seed in a rock solid confidence
- Create your own accountability system so you can master your clartity and productivity
- Develop a system to position you as the genius you are while optimizing your time
- Discover what your ideal client needs to see you as their ONE answer and have them seeking you out
- How to set you apart from your competition and stand out as a brand authority
- The ONE thing you need to do to position you as the expert you are and have your clients hanging onto your every word
During this challenge, you will learn the 6 essential elements of positioning. There are actually four things you MUST do in order to position you as the expert you are, and make you the ONE answer for your ideal clients.
We will cover each of these areas during the next 7 days. These 6 elements are
1 & 2 -Positioning yourself (2 parts)
3. Positioning what you do/what you sell
4. Positioning your ideal client
5. Positioning your marketing
6. BONUS - TO BE REVEALED at the end!
WAIT! I know that is only SIX things and this is a SEVEN day challenge - and that is because positioning yourself has TWO steps all it's own, AND we are starting today's challenge with Positioning your MIND. (After all, you didn't get THE BRAIN GUIDE for nothing!)
Today is about developing a rock solid YOU. This means developing FOCUS and establishing your ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION.
With social media, texts, an inbox full of distracting emails, other people - it's so easy to lose yourself, your focus, and your attention on your individual purpose - especially if you haven't even claimed it yet. Having focus and having a way to consistently remind yourself of who you are at the core, is how you create the solid foundation of you.
This means ROCK SOLID. Unshakable. Able to take criticism, failures, setbacks, and pulling yourself out of ruts, and most importantly, to POSITION yourself in your business as a client attraction magnet.
This first challenge is about TWO things - FOCUS and MEANING.
Today you are going to have to take your head out of the business box it is in. This is about doing things a different way so you can see things a different way.
Don't roll your eyes yet. Successful giants like Tony Robbins actually do this ONE thing. And don't worry, tomorrow we will dive into creating your positioning, but this is about UNCOVERING your INTERNAL positioning.
Today, we are going to start MOVING. Yes we are going to start out of the gates a little ballsy. If you already workout in the morning - and it's about physical movement, heavy breathing - you're good. But if you don't, you're going to have to move.
Research shows that exercise can increase your mental sharpness for 4 to 10 hours after your workout (hello genius)! Research shows you sleep better (no more yawning and foggy brain).
It raises your self confidence by ensuring you start your day feeling great (endorphins) and you eat less. Healthier people earn more money - FACT! Healthier people have a higher self esteem, better focus, and are then better equipped to do the things necessary to earn more and charge more.
Did you know Tony Robbins doesn't meditate? Yes, he doesn't meditate. How does someone so balanced and successful NOT do the one thing everyone is talking about? He does what I call Active Focus Meditation™. That means during your 10 minutes of physical movement, you are going to focus on your success goals.
So you are going to commit to at least 10-20 minutes of physical exercise AND do some active meditation. Choose your favorite theme song - something that motivates you, makes you cry, or makes you want to get up and get fired up. (many of my clients choose Rachel Platton's "Fight Song" - but you choose whatever motivates you).
Listen to that while you do your heart pumping exercise, and focus your success goals, on your Success Identity™ - that's who you are at your highest potential. Focus on what you are going to do today to be better than you were yesterday. Focus on your truth, your purpose, and on the true identity you see yourself as when you are at your best.
What this does is create new neuropathways in your brain associated with your success goals. It builds your internal confidence and literally trains your subconscious mind towards your success.
I know, a little "woo woo" but it's scientifically proven (can't argue with science!) :)
#1 Do your 10 (or more) minutes of movement - possibly a speed walk and focus on your WHY.
#2 When you're done, COMMENT in the group on the experience you had with it, then go to the group to introduce yourself if you haven't yet, and tell me who you are, what you do in your business, and WHY you want to create your success and your theme song.
Now remember, this is a 7 day challenge. That means SEVEN days of exercising at least 10 minutes a day. So walk, run, and/or jump up and down. As I said in the beginning, this is NOT your standard challenge. Remember, this week is about making you bulletproof. :)
Are you in?